


An126  The moor we have to cross

Ο βάλτος που πρέπει να διασχίσομε

Bd130 Coast under the burning clouds

Ακτή κάτω από τα φλεγόμενα σύννεφα

An63  A sparkling galaxy

Ένας αστραφτερός γαλαξίας




Bn15  Multiple targets we pursue

Πολλαπλοί στόχοι που επιδιώκουμε

An45  The stony tribe of a remote planet

Η πέτρινη φυλή ενός μακρινού πλανήτη

Bn18  Mosaic figures

Μωσαϊκές φιγούρες




  Bg352    The crystal windmill

    Ο κρυστάλλινος ανεμόμυλος

Bg607 The blue-green gulf

Ο γαλαζοπράσινος κόλπος

C2g447  Figures in the autumn leaves

  Φιγούρες στα φθινοπωρινά φύλλα







































       INTRODUCTION. The following six messages are coming from our Sirian friends of the Galactic Federation who are hear on Earth to help us to face all our problems (and especially the problems created by the “dark forces” who govern us), to ascend to fully conscious beings and to enter successfully the “fifth dimension”. Are copied from the “updates” of Dr. Sheldan Nidle (see his site: who has regular communication with them receiving these messages. The last three messages are from another Sirian named SA LU SA speaking through Michael Quisey. In the second part “HAARP” etc you can see information I received from my friend Gabriel an extraterrestrial from his planet Altone who is here on Earth to help us with the ascension, speaking through his sister in Earth Sharon who sent me the corresponding emails. Recently I have added a third part at the end with selective paragraphs of the most recent messages through Dr Nidle. 



       We come in this new Gregorian year with many interesting things to relay to you. This is our year for contact! We are doing all that is necessary to bring the first contact conferences into being and our liaison teams are working diligently to make this a successful endeavour. So far we have recruited three major governments to go forward with these critical announcements. It is essential for our benevolent presence to be made officially known to you. Meanwhile, our Earth allies are completing the final elements of a hugely complex puzzle. The deliveries and legal changes of governance are very close to happening; the gold deposits are in place in a number of very secure depositories; and our efforts have assisted the Earth allies in preparing the many announcements that are to follow. In all, we are making sure that all these roads to first contact are laid for action as our divine schedule so decrees. Heaven continues to make you ready to accept our role in this divine operation. The Agarthans, too, are preparing to receive you and carry out your metamorphosis into full consciousness.

      The scenarios now swirling around are growing in scope by the day. Our medical teams note that most of you have reached stages where a quick leap to full consciousness is easily doable. Those not within these parameters have been assigned new medical teams whose purpose it is to bring this group up to the standard of the majority. Our intent is to have all of you ready to be transformed within the timeframe stipulated by Heaven's decrees. Meanwhile, Mother Earth is starting to alter much more swiftly those elements on her surface that are to trigger her grand round of surface reconfiguration, and our planetologists are also reviewing what is going on in your solar system. Their reports emphasize how all your former water planets are mirroring what is happening on Earth. Even the Asteroid Belt is displaying changes that are a prelude to the reconstitution of the former giant water world we now call Pax. As you can see, change is prevalent everywhere, and the time comes for us to meet formally in a first contact.

      Your last dark cabal, of course, has other plans. Their manic hubris in defying the Light is a ludicrous tragicomedy! Your world is now actually slipping out of this limited 3-D reality and becoming something much more compatible with full consciousness, and there is no way in the universe to stop these divine transformations! This has been obvious for some time and yet the dark ones persist in their bullheaded resistance and appear to lack the basic compos mentis to concede the field. Your world is at the crux where this present reality slips into extinction along with a host of appalling calamities. This prospect is not what the Divine has in mind for you! It has been our policy in these messages to explain the decidedly upbeat nature of the divine plan for planet Earth, but there exists among some of you a sort of perversity that refuses to contemplate the possibility of an alternative, life-affirming future for you. Our messages and those expounded by like-minded others are intended to depict the horrors that the dark has in store for you versus the new divine reality that in actuality awaits you. The point has been reached to change the 'look' and 'feel' of your reality.

     At the moment, most of you are experiencing both the anxiety and the joy that this change initially brings. You are in a narrow sideband of this new reality and are waiting for the concluding push to begin. We watch as Heaven furnishes the final elements that are to let loose the new reality, and in turn, the dark steps up the chaos and initiates its last desperate strikes. This below-the-radar clash is about to surface as the dark is finding it harder and harder to camouflage its activities. UFO sightings are increasing everywhere. The secret combat between us, as revealed by what happened at the end of 2009 in Norway, Russia, and China, is reaching the media's front pages in many parts of your world. A time of revelation is coming when the cat of disclosure is to be let out of the bag. We welcome this and all that it entails! Bear in mind that first contact remains the ultimate game changer.

      We are here to fulfil a divine mission. Your present limited self-image has run its course, and a huge identity shift is about to overtake you. You are to move into a realm that resembles what your ancestors called "dreamtime." This is a world in which you exist simultaneously as both Spirit and physical body. It reunites you with Heaven while rooting you in the physical world that you are currently familiar with. It opens up new vistas and gifts you with abilities that you now consider unreal. This is the reality we live in and we know how simple it is to slide into this new realm. The traumas and painful circumstances that now overwhelm you daily are to disappear in an instant! Right now, these things still stare you in the face, and it is our job to help you to make this transition to full consciousness as soon as divinely possible.

      Mother Earth is pursuing her path of transformation as well. Many parts of your planet are undergoing climate changes that are the result of a hyperactive Sun; society's runaway pollution of air, water, and land; and the warming-up of the surface by Mother Earth. All this is part of the preconditions for change. Your society forsook its responsibilities to Mother Earth long ago. This precious Being was literally raped by you as you scurried around to find the resources to maintain and advance your global 'civilization.' You are nearing a point where it is time to give back the energy that you so recklessly took without making the necessary acknowledgment to your gracious host. Doing this is part of the sacred growth that you are to demonstrate to your world, the Creator, and us. It is essential for you to acknowledge your past wantonness and begin to make the requisite amount of reconciliation.

      The time ahead is about bringing together the elements that are to become the components of your new global society. This includes the revealing and the putting to use of a wide range of suppressed technologies. You have been cloistered away in a dungeon of lies and manipulated by the dark into believing in sciences and philosophies that greatly limit your understanding of self and your world. Every Ascended Master has looked this set-up in the eye and seen how truly bogus it all is! You are a Spirit in physicality of immense immortal Light. You are limitless! Getting you to believe this, and internalize this, is a basic step in your growth in consciousness. Many societies before yours made the choice to embrace this Truth, or simply perished! This time, Heaven brought us to mentor you and assist you in making possible this fundamental step in your growth.

      The actual move toward these aspects of consciousness is, of course, up to you and you alone. However, Heaven's divine plan, together with the magnificent decrees of Lord Surea, shows unequivocally that you are destined to succeed in all of this! Our presence is merely the icing on the cake. The immediate future concerns your move toward higher consciousness, our arrival, and a massive, well-earned defeat of the dark. Your reality is now ready to shift, and an opportunity to allow this to begin is now presenting itself. Our Earth allies are about to turn the key of change which will let this all begin. As it does so, we intend to open the door to contact by getting some major regimes to tell you of our noble and benevolent intent. The time approaches for our formal introduction to you and for the start of your final move to full consciousness. Indeed some truly wondrous things are about to happen!

      Today, we brought you up to date on what is taking place around you. First contact is close! Incredible changes to your global reality are also close. Your coming prosperity is just the beginning of a great adventure which you are now ready to engage in. Before you know it we will be reunited and you are to become fully conscious! Let us rejoice in the knowledge that the grand plan of Heaven is unfolding before us! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

        2ND MESSAGE (of 29.Dec.09):

      We come again with much to discuss with you. In previous messages we briefly delineated the make-up of our Earth allies and of the last dark cabal. The latter is a predominantly American entity with associates spread across the globe. This group is heir to the policy of skulduggery and deceit that the Illuminati perpetrated under the command of your former off-world masters, the Anunnaki. This set-up changed when the Anunnaki decided to make peace with the Galactic Federation in mid 1994, drastically altering the distribution of power on your planet and sparking a deeply entrenched internecine war that continues to this day. It is important for you now to have more background on this conflict so that you can better comprehend what is happening on your world. Until the Anunnaki switched sides, they monitored the discords among their minions very closely to ensure that one side dominated, but not to the extent of outright supremacy. This point of power was retained by the Anunnaki in order to keep ultimate control over their ever-squabbling henchmen.

      Once the Anunnaki left, the Illuminati factions engaged in a pitched battle to acquire the decisive dominance that was previously impossible to obtain. The American corporate-led cabal was the first to make its move by physically imposing its control through a series of political, military, and financial moves. This strategy was meant to peak shortly after 'winning' the election of 2000. A base for sweeping political and military moves was created by taking more direct control of the United States government. The first of these acts involved illegally seizing a large amount of money from the US government and using it to conduct a massive worldwide assault on the other Illuminati factions. This led to the 9/11 attacks, the subsequent 'announced' wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a number of 'undeclared' wars in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The fulcrum for these actions was the great American banks cantered on the privately held US Federal Reserve banking system. In the first years of this strategy a number of initial successes were realized.

      But a basic financial weakness was there from the start: The American economy was undermined by a number of conservative regimes which allowed their corporate cronies' greed to run amok. This weak point was countered by a special government fund that was part of the Illuminati Trusts reorganized and set up after the conclusion of WW II. Taking control of this USA Trust was one of the prime objectives of the American dark cabal. Another essential element was the UFO cover-up, which is in many ways the core issue for this cabal. Now armed with growing control of the USA corporate government, this faction is determined not only to defeat those who oppose it but also to keep at bay the ongoing UFO presence. The other Illuminati factions understand full well the changes happening to you and the destined first contact with us. They cooperate with us and a structure for formal liaisons is in full swing between us. Meetings are held daily to determine the timing and dates of the UFO disclosure conferences.

      The first task is to take down the American dark cabal. It has plundered Mother Earth for decades and caused a widespread ecological extinction process to begin, leading to the death of entire species of trees, plants, and animals. This is a harbinger for the massive changes to be wrought by Mother Nature when the time comes for her to return to full consciousness. As we watch these changes, we see your planet as well as the solar system sounding the alarm for a great turn toward the Light. The merciless dark faction refuses to accede to this urgency and to permit a wholesale realignment of the Anunnaki's former minions. It remains obdurate in maintaining the past as a way to control the future, a most unwise proposition given the circumstances. You are embarked upon a period of huge change which is to intensify. If this transition is to be smooth, a global distribution of power needs to be re-established, in which one rogue faction is unable to hold the rest hostage as is the case at present.

      What this amounts to is the need for a new economic, financial, and political system. Basic agreements between nations and various organizations are in place and can produce the required results. These accords began with the Agreements of 1998 between our Earth allies and us. Since then a number of items were added which clarified issues and established new governmental structures. The overall thrust concerns global abundance, peace, and universal individual and national sovereignty. We wish to make it clear that this is not about setting up a new global congress to rule your world, but about paving the way for first contact, which remains the ultimate objective. A transitional reality is to facilitate a whole host of events that are to prepare you completely for contact. We continue to monitor your reactions to us and these indicate a level of fear in you that still needs to be fully addressed.

      When we took on this mission we fully understood what we were getting into. You have been manipulated by fear for eons and are deeply xenophobic toward anything slightly different from you. Except for a small minority you are very resistant to change. Heaven knew all this and set about to transform those factors which control you. The first was to encourage the electronic age and the next was to raise your consciousness. These prerequisites were carried out between 1960 and the present. The advent of your atomic age in the 1940s brought both the Light and the dark to your shores to observe how your primitive technology was being used. Then came the encounters between your governments and the dark Anchara Alliance in the early 1950s. Our overtures at the time were ignored but we knew that this hostile milieu was set to change during the ensuing decades.

      The present period is about the secret battle raging between this American dark corporate cabal with its many global partners and those seeking to turn around this unfair and unsound set-up. This conflict has brought most of your world to its knees, and worse is to follow in the beginning of your next Gregorian year! We therefore deem it essential to have our Earth allies quickly resolve whatever is preventing the next steps from immediately manifesting. Your suffering over the last year, as the last dark cabal wreaks its final havoc upon you, is intolerable to us. Our liaison teams are reaching a point where we both feel that an even greater degree of intervention is called for so that the immediate period can be used to achieve our pre-contact goals. It is definitely time to move this entire scenario forward to victory!

      Our momentum toward contact cannot be stalled much longer. First contact is needed if only to level the playing field and give the Light on your world a means to end the deadlock of the previous decade and a half of waiting for the right time to act. We understand your xenophobia and know it is often hard to reverse long-standing erroneous beliefs. However, we know intuitively that you need a game-changer moment to allow you to move swiftly to your victory. We ask you to come together now and courageously acknowledge what it may take to move forward. Many things are to break loose to ensure that what we both want occurs. This is no time to expect anything less than a miracle! So, prepare yourself for success! The time is Now!

      Today, we continued to expound on what is happening around you. A great force for change has enacted a program to squeeze out the dark from its traditional power bases and compel it to capitulate to the Light. The time for your part in this arrives. Let us together transform your reality and prepare this planet for contact! Let us rejoice in the knowledge that the grand plan of Heaven is unfolding before us. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!

       3RD MESSAGE (of 22.Dec.09): 

      We come before you again with much to discuss. Pivotal events are taking shape before us. Our Earth allies are completing a very delicate series of manoeuvres which constitute grave dilemmas for the dark. Once achieved, these predicaments will force the dark cabal to resign finally from the game. Concurrently, the new caretaker regimes are to assume authority, and their first act in office will be a series of formal announcements explaining the whys and wherefores of the sweeping debt forgiveness programs and the new hard-backed currency. These two simultaneous initiations are just the beginning of a new monetary policy for your world. These broadcasts are to be followed swiftly by pronouncements that put an end to illegal wars and invasions. A timetable for a return to true representative governance will also be laid out. Once these primary items are dealt with, the UFO disclosure goes to the top of the agenda. This can be an exciting as well as a disturbing time because for many decades exotic devices were used in secret by a number of your major governments.

      These devices include suppressed on-planet inventions as well as alien technology, the latter having been well tested and proven in many black operations. UFO disclosure is to provide the opportunity to unveil these immense inventories along with many other inventions that have been kept out of the public arena. In a few short steps your technology is to surge forward bringing online a new scientific paradigm and birthing an exciting milieu which can reflect back to you many surprising things about yourselves, including how your reality is truly constructed. This will be a boon to your rising consciousness. Many 'truths' accepted by you at face value and perpetrated by the dogmas of your sciences and philosophies can then fall away, and a truer definition of you and Mother Earth can take shape. These new truths can then serve as a foundation for what we are to tell you, about why we have come from afar and about how you are to be individually returned to full consciousness. This process provides a wonderful way to introduce us formally to you and to show you some of your unlimited potential.

      The true direction underlying your global turmoil is an unerring and irresistible sweep back into prosperity and full consciousness. This drive has been growing within you since the end of World War II. Superficially, the post-1945 world carried on as before; but deep within multiple secret projects around your globe a new governmental structure was developing. These early directorates rapidly acquired the ability to subvert the safeguards set in place to prevent exactly this from happening. By the early 1960s, these secret structures had morphed into underground governments that were running key policies which were no longer hindered by their aboveground former masters. These shadow regimes form a vital part of the dark cabal's operational web and we closely monitored these conspirators as they weaved the policies that led to the undoing of your global economy, enforced a UFO cover-up, and spawned a vast empire feeding off senseless wars, illegal drug industries, and perpetrating an inhumanity unmatched in your history. Their empire encompasses the largest global banks and multinationals, and administers transnational criminal activities.

     Toppling this labyrinthine empire has not been easy for our Earth allies. It controls major governments and has allied itself with the old power structure left behind by the Anunnaki. The denizens of this megastructure are what we call the dark cabal and it has its roots in the horrors of WW II. It is true to say that on many levels the hidden agenda of this war did not end in 1945. Its goals are ongoing today, and what is about to happen now is the de facto final defeat of these awful objectives. These undercurrents explain some of the scary developments of the present times. For our part, we can only give you broad brushstrokes about current events. This goes rather against our grain as we greatly prefer to be open and frank, but secrecy is how things get done on your world. We have, however, clearly outlined the predominant issues and repeat that victory is approaching swiftly as the dark is running out of resources and ways to defer the inevitable. Many groups and nations have come together to force a termination of the chaos that has engulfed your reality.

      Around you, undeniable developments are apparent: beneficent changes in peoples' awareness; grass-roots organizations growing and interconnecting on the World Wide Web; and behind the scenes, the gratifying coming-together of the groups we call our Earth allies. The new reality this attests to recognizes the importance of ending the UFO cover-up. It is to be an incontrovertible instant of transformation for Earth's humanity! Nothing will be the same. It changes the way you perceive yourselves, your place in the divine scheme, and your future world. You now possess the wealth to end poverty, to educate everyone, and spread truths that will astonish. The Earth allies are to provide you with the means for this, and all you need is the motivation. In this, we expect you to excel! Inside each of you is the genetic imperative to radiate your divine essence. You know you are each others' keepers and that you are all ONE!

      This movement away from the dark and its grim intentions for you arises from Heaven's gentle guidance of you from the beginning. She wants you to thrive not perish. It is also time to honor Mother Earth and to redress the depredations visited upon her. You were intended to be the 'perfect guests' and the loving stewards of this wondrous blue-green world. She is a living entity and you need to return her to health. Her many ecospheres now require nursing and her three elements (land, sea, air) need extensive revivifying. This ability, albeit dormant at present, lies within you. Once you are fully conscious, you can work your magic upon her. The brilliance you are to give forth is to produce a world of unimaginable beauty. At its center will be you, true physical Angels; and the Light of your world, future Earth, is to be the center of a new star-nation.

      At present, ethereal Beings live on every orb in this solar system and soon you will be able to commune with them. Absorb their considerable wisdom: It contains the history of this multiplex reality system and the framework for what you are destined to build: a great star-nation. This wondrous land is to be your home world, and the galaxy and indeed the whole of physicality will open before you. The journeys you are to make are quite beyond your present imagination. An age of exploration is your destiny! Ships of your design and inclination are to take you to areas of immense beauty and to conferences that are to change the very make-up of distant societies and the galaxies they reside in!

      You are a special people who originally migrated here from many parts of this galaxy. We, as your family, come to renew this kinship and to let you remember who you truly are. We look forward to what lies ahead. See this present morass as simply the last test of your ability to overcome great odds. And remember always: Heaven has your back! She put forth mighty warriors of Light and great negotiators who are right now doing what is needed to free your world from its dark oppressors. This operation is taking longer than expected. Nevertheless, remain confident, and bear in mind the immensity that is the Light. This great force is preparing to pull off a resounding victory and return you fully to the Light. This time is now dawning!

      Today, we delved further into the elements that are being primed to generate your new reality. Our task goes well beyond first contact. It has come to include the role of guide and mentor to you in your new reality. Soon this new dreamtime-like world is to be yours. Thus we come to serve and protect Earth's Humanity! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!

       4TH MESSAGE (of 24.Nov.09):

       We come again to continue our weekly discussion with you! Around you the struggle between Light and dark plays out. The last dark cabal prevails, but its grip on your world has dwindled considerably and what are now mere finger-holds are slipping fast. Meanwhile, your society continues to wrestle with the disease, chaos, and out-and-out chicanery the dark has unleashed. The necessity for the much-needed distribution of your global abundance weighs heavily upon our Earth allies and their determination to get their massive agenda rolling keeps getting stronger by the day. The moment of their success approaches rapidly and all is in readiness. We monitor everything and do as much for them as Heaven will allow. To help their efforts we have brought forward our program for full 'UFO' disclosure. A project that spans nearly this entire decade is close to a series of major breakthroughs. Many key governments on your planet have clubbed together to bring this unveiling to fruition as UFO disclosure can easily become the straw that breaks the dark camel's back.

      Your suffering reaches a point where Heaven hints that a direct approach is required, as your transformation cannot continue to be delayed by the dark. Lord Surea has issued a solemn decree to Heaven's local Administration that the divinely right moment has arrived to bring down the dark and its many arrogant minions. This decree opens up many possibilities for us as we probe your world for a way to initiate disclosure. At this time we are leaning toward a special conference where a formal joint announcement can be made. Yet to be decided are time and place. We are also working with our Earth allies to end the power of the USA Corporation and to set up an interim regime. These tasks demonstrate how committed we are to changing your world for the better by (for starters) transforming your planet's most powerful government back into a de jure republic. As we have mentioned before, our complex involvement in your affairs is unique in the annals of our nearly countless first contact missions. Our intention is to ensure that this contact moves smoothly from 'unique' to something much more normal.

      This push forms the cornerstone of our mission. As you know, you are moving from a limited to a fully conscious Being. Many in some of your governments want this sacred operation stopped by whatever means necessary, or at least delayed. This motivation lays behind the many unconscionable acts that have sickened parts of your population, and it fuels further plans to unleash deadly pandemics upon you. The panic among the dark ones that this attests to is only just beginning to surface. Schemes to steal your abundance are also ongoing, and this constitutes the least of their outrages. They have plans to stage false UFO invasions, rev up the intensity of their illegal wars, and instigate an even more disastrous economic calamity. We keep tabs on this perfidy and observe that the global elements of this military-corporate-media complex are using every last trick in their very black book! These plots involve huge amounts of dark government programs. Naturally, we keep our Earth allies fully informed about what the cabal is up to.

      In short, a vast, powerful establishment is working feverishly to prevent our coming and to keep our presence from the public. Normally this very hostile treatment of us would lead us to conclude that you are not yet ready for contact; we would then watch from afar to see if you could actually survive. In your case, this is not an option as first contact has been divinely decreed. We have even involved to a much greater extent than is usual the many Agarthans (Inner Earthiers) who have long embedded themselves in your many global societies. This puts some of them in danger, and others right in the path of these panicked dark cabalists. We have jeopardized their cover in the interests of making your governments aware that a great deal of energy is being expended by us to let the dark ones know the degree of determination being brought to bear to carry out the divine plan for Earth. This led to some deaths among the Terran associates of the undercover personnel, but despite these troubles we will not falter!

      We are working closely with individuals who have access to many of the key resources of these dark ones; it is our intention to bring into focus the remaining dark plots. We are using this information to set up a formula for a successful disclosure conference. As you can imagine, this operation is highly secret, but it is important to let you know that we are pursuing this option diligently. A number of key leaders are doing what is necessary to prepare you for this coming event. The time left is getting short, and so we have given top priority status to a number of projects along the lines stated above, backed by contingency plans for all other possible eventualities. Thus you are in the final moments of your present reality. We are going to see this through, and transform your world sufficiently to allow first contact to be readily plausible. This moment verily draws near!

      As we look at your world we see a powerful cabal that is losing its control and ultimately unable to counter the deep inroads made by the Earth allies. We also see a group that is devilishly cunning but which just does not know how to sensibly let go. Your world is falling into a great abyss which our arrival in part prevents. Further, our Earth allies now comprehend the grand implications of what is happening to you: This transformation transcends by far any past massive upheaval in your history, such as the sudden overthrow of an empire; this time you will see fantastic new technologies appear, accompanied by the fully formed scientific explanations and spiritual concepts to go with them. Then you will move beyond even these. You are entering a new reality that is to stretch well into your future. This time is thus unique, and constitutes a portal to something utterly compelling: a new level of global consciousness!

      We recognize this and see the unfolding events as a process which is pushing you toward your meeting with us and onwards to your divine destiny. First contact is an intrinsic part of all this and comes none too soon. Your pace is quickening. Heaven's plans are revealing the ways in which this is to become known to you, and the whole disclosure process is moving in tandem with this. Your society needs to see clearly that it is not alone and that what is to happen is not threatening. Far from it! Your innocence, or more properly your ignorance, about who we are is to be resolved in a very profound way. We welcome this imminence. Each day we prepare our crews to brief a number of major friendly governments and we feel these meetings are getting quite close to full UFO disclosure.

      We are describing to you the means which, in one way or another, are to bring you relief from many mounting calamities. Your reality is already within the early stages of transformation and this reality shift is starting to accelerate. Our ships and crews are trained and ready to carry out the vital "go" order from Heaven. We wait and we act in accordance with what we have been told. Mother Earth is also ready to transform. Indeed, the entire solar system is beginning to change in consonance with the divine plan. All this is tied to your move into full consciousness. You are approaching the zero minute for this to manifest. Meanwhile, we monitor everything and are in joy over the things you are about to experience and the celebration that is nigh!

      Today, we discussed the many things we are doing to bring all this to its divine conclusion. You are close to your transformation into full consciousness. Our role is to be announcer and mentor for this operation. We welcome this and joyfully anticipate our meeting and the celebration once your full consciousness is achieved. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!

       5TH MESSAGE (of 17.Nov.09): 

        Greetings! We come again with more to discuss with you. At present, we are watching the strange events that comprise the ongoing struggle between our Earth allies and the last dark cabal. These events are the strategies of each side unfolding rapidly under many different guises. The USA Corporation continues to derive sufficient funds from its many dirty dealings to remain one step ahead of bankruptcy, while our Earth allies are managing to keep the dark opposition from mounting any meaningful counteroffensive. This stalemate can potentially be drawn out until Heaven gives us the green light to massively intervene. Hence we are looking at ways to provide our Earth allies with a substantial and definitive advantage over their adversaries. It is abundantly clear to all that the dark will continue to break any and all agreements reached with them; indeed, the count of their broken promises has reach mythical proportions, compelling us to come up with a new approach. Therefore, we have begun to intervene directly in their many secret and cruel projects.

      This dark group has many heinous plans for inflicting damage on you. These include a massive worldwide pandemic; a spike in the amount of global pollution; and the means for increasing the number of major conflicts. Our strategy so far has been to let the dark ones seriously incriminate themselves and to help in those areas most afflicted by dark hands. We wish we could do more but are restricted to countering the dark's activities only when necessary. Meanwhile, these ones are intent upon tactics used throughout history by desperate rulers with their backs against the wall. This scorched-earth policy (e.g. the recent financial crash) is something our Earth allies are well aware of. For example, all attempts at beneficial legislation is either being blocked or else the masses are being manipulated to turn against it (health reform). This is for the most part failing as the people favor reform over being maneuvered into destroying what they dearly wish for. It is terrible to see you suffer at the hands of these profiteering rascals who literally rape their respective societies in their lust for wealth and power.

      The turmoil across your globe bears witness to the deep distress of the dark cabal, and we monitor and chronicle each move these malevolent trolls make. Each of their acts is to be legally punished. Believe us when we say that we do not take these things lightly. We understand the dualistic nature of your world which requires balancing, and Heaven also decrees that these evil deeds be redressed. A number of specific agreements are to be put in motion once these dark ones are routed: Many caretaker governments are to be put in place and worldwide debt forgiveness enacted. This will be followed swiftly by diverse measures that return this globe to peace, prosperity, and cooperation with the Light. Then come the announcements fully disclosing our presence in your skies and the coming event of first contact. This, above all, is what the dark minions dread; they understand only too well that this information alters your reality forever and do everything in their power to keep us from being formally acknowledged.

      The dark's great trepidation of our presence explains the immense number of covert projects designed to thwart any attempt of ours to approach your shores. Upon inspection we discovered that while their devices are cunning they lack a vital element: the spiritual. Our technology is vastly different from anything your conventional science approximates. It is based on a complete interface with the many aspects of a fully conscious Being. It is not just about electronics and frequencies but requires a many-leveled melding between a whole Being and a specially built and conscious device. This means we are a fleet of artificial and Creator-born individuals in service to the Divine. The difference here is that the wellspring of our Being as well as our collective purpose is driven by Spirit. This force, when focused on bringing the Light of the Creator to a world such as yours, is quite unstoppable by the machines the dark is so proud of. Hence, when Heaven so states, we will affect a divine first contact with your world.

      This stalling-time is being permitted to allow the dark to play out its final mischief on your world. This moment is not to be a long one. In the meantime we are positioning our fleet for contact. At the same time, a major proportion of our personnel is helping our Earth allies in finishing off the dark ones with all due haste. This time is also being used by us to compile a full and final chronicle of accountability with which our Earth allies are to charge the dark ones at the judiciously appropriate time. Heaven informs us that the landings are on schedule since the final date for this is still in the near future. It is important that we topple the dark ahead of this divine date as we know full well that the various organizations that form the bulwark of the dark are still capable of delaying, but not stopping, the inevitable.

      Mother Earth is currently applying pressure on your society by increasing her reactions to the high levels of pollution and global warming. This is done to hasten the awakening of your communities to the grave danger presented by Mother Earth's ecological instability. Many of your geologists are aware that the Earth's wobble is getting more pronounced. This constitutes another portent, to those who are aware, that some very drastic measures are now called for. This alerts all, especially the dark, that Heaven and the Divine mandate the imminent return of this reality to the Light! In the face of all this pressure the dark remains obdurate in its determination to hold this world back. The present tension is to last only a little while longer. The dark's defeat is near and the grand transformation is set to alter your world forever and for the better.

      While this gargantuan struggle heads for its inevitable conclusion your bodies are being prepared for full consciousness. At least two, and almost three, of the new chakras have been settled into your body. Since all of you are now involved in these procedures to varying degrees, be aware that a whole host of symptoms are now widespread. These include headaches of various sorts, heart palpitations, muscle strain, blurry vision, and even nausea. These side effects are accompanied by vivid dreaming and a feeling of moving toward something indescribable but wonderful. These inklings are due to the many changes to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. You are also adapting to the changes in your RNA/DNA and to the new energies daily streaming through your bodies which are opening you up to the Light.

      Mother Earth is part of the huge transformation of the solar system. The Sun is altering her surface energies by changing the nature of her interior magnetic and gravitational fields. This changes the way she relates to her nearest daughters. Mercury, long thought to be a dead world, is fast becoming one of the most active members of the solar system and Venus is increasing her surface activity as well. Meanwhile, both Mother Earth and Mars are going through their own unique forms of 'global warming.' The outer gaseous planets are reacting by generating large new spots, and hyperactivity is observed in their rings and on many of their larger moons. Also affected are the smaller planetoids and even the Oort debris cloud, which is exhibiting strange, sudden bouts of effulgence which signifies hyperactivity.

      Today, we carried on our discussion of the many interesting aspects of your ongoing reality transformation. These things go hand in hand with first contact. The dark cannot prevent your destiny, that is, your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. This destiny is ready to manifest on your world! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!

       6TH MESSAGE (of 3.Nov.09): 

       We come to talk of the many things getting ready to manifest! Your world is finishing up a great struggle between the agents of the Light and the dark ones who have managed this reality for the past 13 millennia. This conflict is all about the grand transformation that Heaven is now implementing. Her goal for you requires a physical environment far different than the one proposed by the dark, who promises only more ravaging of Mother Earth and more fallacious manipulation of humanity. The increasing extinction of the ecosystem and the strange activities of the Sun and her many daughter planets has demonstrated that this reign is no longer seen to be necessary. In its stead Heaven is proposing something completely different. This new reality is emerging as we speak, and the chaos born of this conflict is a sign of just how weakened the dark cabal has become. Now we await the last vestiges of this brawl. We know that the divine plan lays her desires upon the legions of the Light, and we are here merely to accent this and to do so in magnificence when we land among you shortly.

      This period of transition is the moment when your global society assesses "what it is all about." For many centuries you have exploited the Earth and wrenched from her such vital resources as metal ores; fuel such as coal and oil; and the basis of your wealth: gold, silver, and precious gems. This continual rape of Mother Earth has brought you to the brink of extinction, and now the crying need for an entirely new way of organizing, providing for, and maintaining your societies requires equally new thought. Historians and prominent philosophers who study your world daily see the ominous writing on the wall, and wonder openly if this society can indeed survive. Increasingly, theoretical science and philosophy go together down this road. Your civilization is at a crossroads; indeed, this watershed moment in your history was prophesied by your ancient and aboriginal peoples. It is the moment when what worked before now utterly fails and needs to be replaced by a new prime consensus. The Maya, the Aborigines, and the ancient Egyptians each explored this moment in their myths and calendars.

      We come here to this beautiful blue-green realm at this most propitious time. We have tried to be very clear with you about why first contact is inevitable. It is the moment which deftly separates you from your recent past. We are ambassadors of change and divine emissaries of consciousness. Heaven and Lord Surea decreed that this period in your growth is to return you to full consciousness. Hence, we are currently involved in a two-step mission: The first is to change the relationships in your society and government. To this end a number of programs were developed over the past few decades to ensure that Saint Germaine's largesse be distributed to the people. "Light workers" are to create a prosperity that alters decisively how the present power constructs in your global societies operate. Then, new caretaker regimes are to take these new relationships and swiftly form policies that free society from the tyranny of the wealthy and powerful, letting an age of renewed democracy and true free republics to flourish.

      These are the prime objectives of our Earth allies. Our role is to watch, advise, and if necessary, use our good offices to cajole these things into being. This task is at once pleasurable and difficult: Many major governments have worked secretly to bring about a technology designed to impede what we are talking about. For example, they intended to stage a fake first contact event in order to discredit us with the public. We prevented such things in the past and continue to warn them against such activities in the future. A special liaison team works with the positive factions in these governments to ensure that the transitional regimes come about. The success of this operation rests on both a legal and a financial foundation, the latter being ready to go. What is taking time is the legal pressure that puts an end to your present governmental tyranny. However, those in charge of this aspect are almost at the point of resolution, which means that the moment of glory and triumph is at hand!

      The end point of this stage is first contact. It is the sword that slashes asunder the Gordian knot that is your dark cabal. The dark knows this and has fought tooth and nail to prevent this moment from happening. We are committed to a divine timetable and to a mass landing on your shores. These things are non-negotiable. It is time for the dark to step aside and permit all to occur. Our patience is infinite; however, the timetable of the Divine is not. When that divine moment is reached, the ships are to land and the time for transformation arrives with us! We have legions of highly trained personnel to help you move quickly into full consciousness. All who wish it are to be transformed, becoming the human sustainers of this solar system and your new star-nation. You are to immigrate to Mars and Venus, and eventually to the reconstituted water-planet Pax, the remains of which form your Asteroid Belt.

      This move out into the solar system and then into the galaxy is your divine destiny. There, you can use your great abilities to unfold galactic history and to aid all of physical Creation. These are the reasons, among others, for our presence here and why we are pledged to carry out this mass landing on your world. We do this, of course, with the full supervision and assistance of Heaven. It is your divine Hierarchy that is to accompany us to Mother Earth's surface along with the people from Agartha. This is the time for reuniting the peoples of the surface world with the Agarthans. It is the moment when the great discrepancies proclaimed long ago by the Anunnaki can be disproved and truths long hidden from you be revealed. These disclosures will put an end to the fictions of the dark and allow Light to spread among you once more.

      The Galactic Federation is dedicated to returning you to full consciousness. The present global conditions are ready to fold into the new reality that we have been describing to you. The current situation is rife with delicate matters that cannot be discussed at present. Major governments possess multiple resources which can be called upon in an emergency. Removing these one by one or, more rarely, in clusters requires great expertise and a judicious degree of force, followed by the means to prove the truth of what we tell them. This is happening as we speak and progressing to the moment of change. While we assist as needed, the denouement needs to be between the two major Earth factions: those of the Light and those of the dark. The time for the victory of the Light, and of yours, is imminent!

      The ascension to full consciousness continues unabated. Heaven is preparing you for the next round of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes, which are to integrate you to the point where you are ready for the final steps which are to take place in Inner Earth. What we have been describing are the steps required to change the grand illusion that is limited consciousness, which will allow you to accept the Truths embodied in your fifth-dimensional state. The aim is to move you quickly into an acceptance of your True Self and your true abilities. This is to be accomplished by means of the landings and all that swiftly follows. Your destiny is to be a fully conscious one!

      Today, we carried on our discussion of what is happening around you. A great change is underway, in which Heaven is to transform you all into fifth-dimensional, fully conscious Beings of Light. All this is transpiring according to the divine decrees of Lord Surea. The Creator is preparing you for a most wondrous surprise! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!).

        7TH MESSAGE (SaLuSa  6-January-2010)  

       Dear Ones you ask do we ever tire in our work and the answer is “no certainly not” in a physical sense, as we do not have heavy bodies such as you carry. Ours are of a much lighter vibration and require little nourishment, and we can draw upon the energies around us, although we do have what you would call “light refreshments”. These are mainly in a liquid form, as we can maintain our bodies without the heavy foods you are used to having. We do not therefore experience hunger as you do, and replenish ourselves in a pleasurable way. Your bodies demand re-fuelling to keep your energy levels up, which is vital where you need physical strength and stamina. If you listen to your body you will know what is best for it, and this is why for example some have to eat meat whilst for others it is unnecessary. Generally speaking the higher your vibrations the more likely you are to eat less, and it will be the more wholesome foods that are fresh and unadulterated.

       In the higher dimensions that are to be your new home, all of the restrictions that you presently experience will cease to exist. Aging will not be an issue at all and you will retain your young looks as in your prime, and it is not necessary to experience death. When you decide to move into a new experience that necessitates a different body, you will consciously leave your body and take a new one. Not through birth as you understand it, but a waking experience into a near adult body or one that is fully developed. In fact if it is necessary you can have two bodies and alternate between them. Life is simple and easy compared to your present one, and you have none of the personal concerns that involve you in the maintenance of your physical body. You will select your hairstyle or clothes by the power of your thought, and know that your body will keep clean and pure because of its high vibration.

       Again we come back to those who cling to Earth and fear changes, and we ask if they can at least keep an open mind about them? Regardless as to how it appears on the outside, what is taking place is a magnificent cleansing necessary to allow the new to manifest. What no longer serves you will be removed, and in its place will come the beginnings of the new Earth. Would you seriously prefer to remain in the cycle of duality, when the opportunity to ascend is on offer to everyone? Perhaps only your Higher Self can truly answer that one, as very few souls are fully aware of their life plan. However, what you set your sights upon is where your energy is focused, and that will be your creation. Now more than ever, your power to create is increasing and you need to be sure of what it is that you desire.

       We are working hard to bring certain events forward, that will have a bearing on how long it will be before Disclosure is declared. The pressure is on the authorities to go ahead without delay, and that day is coming ever closer. Following it the whole process of Ascension will eventually be made known, and it will help those souls who cannot make up their minds as to what to do. For some, no amount of information will make any difference but that indicates that they are not ready to leave the 3rd. dimensional experience. It is in no way indicates a lack of effort, as each soul moves at its own pace. We encourage you all to make your choice to be part of Ascension, and that is as much as we can do. In the final reckoning it is your freewill that will determine how you proceed from thereon.

        Let no one influence your thinking, not even ours unless you are certain as to where your future lies. If in doubt about anything you come across that you are not sure about, do not cast it aside but keep it in the background until you are absolutely sure about discarding it. You will find that things will often just drop into place where previously they did not fit in with your understanding. Be flexible and not rigid in your beliefs, and in this way nothing will pass you by that may have been of value to you. Life is continually one of re-assessing your position, and you have a wealth of experience behind you from all previous lives. What else Dear Ones is your measure of what you believe in and feel is for your greatest good.

       As each one of you grow more into the Light, so you are helping raise the vibrations upon Earth. With that you are also lifting up every other soul around you, as the mass consciousness grows exponentially. We see it at the level where it is beyond being affected by the dark energies. It will continue to expand and at a future point will reach critical mass, and it will be the means by which upliftment will take place. It is of course ongoing, and the commencement of yet another cycle that will carry you ever higher in the dimensions of Light. Life is infinite and you will soon be free to experience it as you choose. What a wonderfully loving Creator we have that opens all of creation to us.

       The Earth has been your permanent home to accommodate you through the cycles of duality, and served you well. Like you Mother Gaia is now gathering herself for the final thrust that will carry her into the higher realms. Together you have travelled a long journey and got to know each other well. It is fitting that you ascend in that way, and that your association still goes on. The Earth already has a reputation for its past beauty, and has been your Garden of Eden. Somewhere deep in your memory are visions of that time, which shall return in their full glory to your great delight and joy. Perfect harmony, and colors of great variety will heighten your happiness, as you rest in a dimension that fulfils your idea of Heaven.

       I am SaLuSa from Sirius and will confirm that the Galactic Federation has never been more ready, to move into the final phase of the path to Ascension. You will soon share our vision of the exciting times that are to lift you out of the chaos that still affects you. The dark Ones will still try to invade your peaceful disposition and distract you from the Light. However, you are now much stronger than you ever were, and should be able to easily prevent their attempts to unsettle you. Believe in your power and mental capabilities to protect yourself, and you will be beyond their reach. You are bathed in Love and Light and victory in the fight between the Light and dark is already yours, and you may complete your journey in full confidence.

       8TH MESSAGE (SaLuSa  1-January-2010):

       Dear Ones, here you are facing a year that promises to fulfil your expectations, and yet many are apprehensive because you have been a long time awaiting the changes that will lift you up. You look to us for signs of fulfilment, as indeed we are the centre figures in all that takes place. Until you are totally involved it naturally seems out of your hands. So you wait for events to unfold as predicted, and we do our best to keep you informed as to what is taking place. Apart from getting bolder with our presence in your skies, there is not much more we can openly do until Disclosure.

       However, off Earth there is a lot happening, and most of our work takes place aboard our ships. To carry out our monitoring duties we do not need to be close to you, and our technology enables us to carry it out from our ships stationed outside of your atmosphere. Although you see our Mother Ships of varying sizes, we prefer to use our scout ships if we need to come nearer to you. We do not normally stay in one position for very long, but on occasions we will remain stationery for lengthy periods to allow you to see the reality of our presence. We are more often than not pursued by your aircraft, but their attempts to apprehend us are quite pointless. We have the ability to accelerate far more quickly than any conventional craft you have, and can defend ourselves with ease should weapons be used against us. We are not out to create unnecessary confrontation, and ours has always been a peaceful excursion when visiting your planet.

       We can say that all major events necessary for your release from the old regime will begin this year. We are still intent on moving the last cabal into a position, where they will have no alternative but to concede their power. It is already much less than at the beginning of this millennium, and our allies are pushing them further away from their plans for total control. At the same time you the people are becoming more adept at recognizing the truth when you see it, and are more discerning where your personal future is concerned. This year will be the beginning of many dramatic events, and you will see the plan for abundance and other benefits promised to you taking shape. So much hinges on Disclosure, as without our help you could not alone overcome the dark Ones, or begin to co-ordinate the forces necessary to cleanse the Earth.

       The dark Ones are like babies throwing things out of their crib when they cannot get their own way, but unlike babies they are dangerous with no regard for human life. However, they shall not harm you or Mother Earth for much longer and shall be disarmed and placed where they cannot cause any more mayhem. Is it not ironic Dear Ones, that the dark forces have concentration camps ready to imprison those who oppose them, yet it is they who shall end up incarcerated. Oh yes, we know of their plans and are more than equal to any attempts to isolate you in their prisons. In time all of those Beings sequestered by them to carry out their covert operations, shall be released and returned to their families. We mean from everywhere including Mars where there are underground bases. One has to perhaps admire the audacity of the dark Ones, to think that they could get away with their plan for world control. However they reckoned without the forces of Light that have come to your aid.


       Time is now of the essence and we are ready to leap into action at a seconds notice. Be assured you are safe from any attempt to create a major incident that will give the dark ones more power over you. One of the earlier aspects of our plan is restore your rights, and draconian laws that are unconstitutional will be removed as quickly as possible. Progress revolves around creating a new mentality towards each other, and a desire to give help wherever it is needed as you go through the period of change. Your potential is unlimited and we know that when you understand the purpose for what is taking place, you will give of yourselves whole heartedly. There is a rainbow of many different rays of light uplifting your consciousness, and it brings the promise of the Golden Age where all is in absolute harmony and peace. What is about to happen on Earth are the first steps towards establishing the structure for it to manifest. The vision is held in your hearts and Ascension is the process that will lead you to it. Never lose sight of your goal, as you are the creators of your reality. You are continuously projecting your energy into the future, and each individual plays their part in determining how it will be. As the saying goes, “be in the Earth, but not of it” and allow the lower energies to be transmuted, without taking your attention away from your life plan and destiny.

       If we look at the probabilities for the next few years, we see completion of this present cycle of duality in accordance with the Creator’s decree that it shall end successfully. If we were to anticipate where you might be by the end of this year, we would expect to have seen governmental changes and the first signs of the abundance program taking place. This means that disclosure will have already occurred, and a number of other projects will be under way. World unity is a strong factor in determining how quickly progress is made, and it will become more easily achieved once the leaders of each country are in accord with our plan. If there is any delay we see the people demonstrating their power to determine their own future. By then you will have been informed of the meaning of the end times, and will be under no illusion as to where your future lies. The falsehoods and lies that have kept you in the dark as to your real purpose in life will have been disclosed. Some souls will still refuse to acknowledge the truth, but their denials will mean that their future will be in accordance with their beliefs. God does not impose the Creator’s Plan upon anyone who chooses a different experience, because it is known that eventually they will find the path to the higher dimensions and the Light.

       As more of you take up a position of projecting the positive energies all around you, so it is transmuting the energy of fear that is still prevalent upon the Earth. That alone is weakening the ability of the dark Ones to maintain their hold on you, and they have no other way of preventing you from moving fully into the Light and Love that is all around you. It is your silent weapon like Archangel Michael’s sword that sweeps away the darkness that has hidden the truth from you. You can lift another soul simply with a smile or kind word, as each carries the Light that lifts them up. You will find it gives you great joy to do so, and will eventually lead you on to Unconditional Love which is your ultimate goal.

       Enter 2010 with the most positive approach you can muster, and we could ask little more. There will still be trying times but their impact will not be lasting, and you will soon see the shape of things to come. Think of 2010 as the start of a new beginning as you see the old regime being swept away, and know that it will be permanent as there is no coming back for them. Their influence is already dissipating, and their structures are being undermined by our allies. Have faith and patience as you really are at the commencement of an historic year, that will be of great significance where your future is concerned. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pass on best wishes to all of you for a Happy New Year from the Galactic Federation.

        9TH MESSAGE (SaLuSa  21-December-2009): 

       Dear Ones, yet again a promising arrangement has come to nothing, due to the inappropriate release of the date on which Disclosure was to be made by President Barack Obama. Our disappointment more than matches your own, as the announcement was agreed and the details completed many weeks ago. It cannot be as easily re-arranged, but there is a sense of urgency to get started again and lose no more time. Keeping details secret is extremely difficult once they get into the public domain. However, we have other ploys that will continue to emphasize our existence, and we ask you once again to keep your eyes on the skies. These are the days when the signs have become talking points, that will awaken people’s awareness to not just our presence but our methods of contact with you. For many years we have made crop circles as one means of getting your attention. As you will have noticed in more recent times, they have become more sophisticated. The messages they send have been interpreted, and their symbolism correctly understood. They have carried energy with them, and even although everyone has not understood them, it has connected with them sub-consciously. 

       We are fascinated by your many interpretations of the blue beam over Norway. It has certainly become a good talking point, and your perception is sufficiently open to consider that it originated in space and that it has been beamed down to you. The connection with the presence of President Obama is also interesting, and shows that you see it as some indication of attempts to contact you. Millions of people accept the existence of Space Beings, and now many more believe that they have a place in the lives of Mankind. With a sudden surge of interest in us, and a desire to know us you have created the opportunity for contact to manifest. There are many factors involved, not least of all our role in ensuring that the plan for your conscious upliftment and Ascension takes place as decreed by the Creator. 

       As you can understand, there are many reasons for speeding ahead with official contact. We want it to come out naturally, and in a way that will not shock those souls who have no belief in our existence. Many have put up a barrier in spite of the evidence that supports us, and the underlying reason is fear. Be assured whatever view you have of us, that we are peaceful Beings with no design on taking over your Earth or your people. Ours is a mission of love and the desire to prepare you for Ascension, by releasing you from the control and domination by the dark forces. Their power base is crumbling and their attempts to prolong their reign are going to fail. They certainly do not want you to get to know us better or place your trust in us, as that means the end of their influence and ability to hold onto their own positions. They trade on their massive fortunes that are used to buy people off, and support covert operations that are used to bolster their powerful positions. World domination is their goal, but they will not be allowed to go any further than at present. We are monitoring their every action and they are doomed to failure.


       We say again that you are such powerful Beings of Light, yet you not necessarily believe in yourselves. Your power of thought is creating your future the whole of the time, so providing you are focusing on what is for the good of all; you will hasten your upliftment into a higher consciousness. There are a number of different expectations where the end times are concerned, and again your power of thought will give you the experience you desire. So you may ask how can there be more than one ending, and we will answer by informing you that they all occur simultaneously on different levels. From any one individuals experience it would seem that everyone is involved in the same one, and there will be no awareness of any others. We might say beware as to what you focus on, by making sure it is what you would wish to give your energy too.


       God’s plan for the end times is called Ascension, but it is up to you as to whether you take advantage of it. You cannot just wish to be part of it and succeed, as it requires effort by you to lift up your vibrations. The Law of Attraction allows only for those souls who have reached a certain level to ascend. The process is one of living in the Light and Love, so that any ties you have had with the lower energies are cut. This enables you to focus on the task of further lifting up your vibrations, and as a result you will surely achieve success. There is considerable help around you, and you have only to ask and it will come to you. Use names if you desire such as your favorite Angel or Master, as you may be assured they will receive your request. Allow for the answer to freely manifest and do not insist it happens in any particular way. You may not necessarily know exactly what is best for you.


       You are learning a lot about life and have never been so well informed as you are now for a long, long time. For over a century spiritual groups have arisen with knowledge and teachings, that have explained the many misconceptions given out as the truth through orthodox religion. As you are often informed it is the truth that will set you free, and every effort has been made to place it before you. It is not forced upon you, and is not accompanied by fearful consequences for not following it. True disciples respect your freewill, and that way you are free to take what you can and move on. Each soul is unique and therefore what suits one is not necessarily another’s path. If you cannot grasp or understand the need for Ascension, then you are most likely ill prepared or insufficiently illumined to accept it into your life. Have no fear about making such a decision as you are not abandoned or held in lower esteem. You will evolve exactly according to your own pace, and one day you too will take a great leap forward having finished your education in duality.


       Personal loss of your belongings will result in some grief, and where family and friends are concerned it is inevitably an occasion of sorrow. However, you will meet up again with them, as they can also ascend to the higher levels. In the ultimate process of Ascension when you take your place in the higher dimension, you will have a different outlook where ownership is concerned, as material possessions are no longer necessary. You create exactly what you want and re-create again if desired. That means that you can create from memory anything that existed previously. You can therefore allow matters to follow their path on Earth, knowing that in real terms you cannot lose anything at all. As a result of Ascension the quality of your life will increase a hundredfold, and you will be surrounded by beauty and perfection. Not least of all you will be at One with everything, and enjoy a happy and fulfilling life. Those of you that remember visiting our craft will agree that they contain all possible creature comforts, and in some instances such as the Large Motherships are self-contained cities. They are an example of what you can expect, and it will be a quantum leap into the future.  

       I am SaLuSa from Sirius and member of the Galactic Federation. I love these opportunities to offer advice, and it is essential that as many of you as possible fulfill your life plan by ascending, if that was your goal. Remember that those “coincidences” that help you are more planned than you realize. Your Guides work small miracles to get you where you need to be for the experiences you have chosen. For example you may feel that you met your partner by chance, well Dear Ones such an important step in your life is totally organized. There is much love felt for you and importance given to your life plan, and it is simply the out working of your choices by which to experience.   Thank You SaLuSa.  Mike Quinsey.



       The messages below are coming from Gabriel through his sister Sharon and are referring to an incident that happened recently in Oslo when Obama was receiving the Nobel price, and proves that the extraterrestrials are here and are protecting us. It explains a spiral light that was shown in that area (near the city of Tromse), at that time and the authorities announced that was cased by an accident with a Russian rocket which Russia didn’t confirmed. In reality there was a ray from a extraterrestrial spacecraft that prevented the use of the antennas of Haarp in this area to create damage to the people as was planed by the dark forces (Illouminati etc) that govern us. The Haarp as it is well known (see details in the internet is a system with antennas around the world which works as a powerful weapon that can cause whether changes, knock down aeroplanes, etc and even can be used for the mind control of people. Also Gabriel gave information of what is probable to happen until the end of this year. The messages sent to me by email by Sharon are as follows:

      1ST EMAIL: I am sure you have heard of a system called Haarp, it is a government or governments owned entity that has as I found out this morning many sites around the world (e.g. in Alaska, China, Russia and Norway). These sites have at least 200 antennas that have boxes under each one that I believe are energy packs to run them individually if they needed to. I had watched a show about this system a couple of weeks ago and found myself getting a little frightened with what they were saying about this site, they said that they could use these antennas to control the weather (the typhoon they had this last summer that came out of no where) they could take planes out of the air (the plane this summer that disappeared into the ocean that was in June) and that they could use it for mind control. They even showed how it could be used for mind control, they could make a person do anything they wanted them to do even kill one another. My thoughts on this are they weren't able to get us with the swine flu jab so they instead feel they could get us to turn on one another and do the job for them. Bring the population of the earth to the desired 500,000,000.

       I was having a hard time understanding why the ships were coming when they were as there was no disclosure about their arrival but I was also told that if they didn't come at this time all many people would be destroyed on planet Earth and that couldn't be allowed. Therefore they had moved up their plans. The night before they were to land and the president of the USA was to except his Nobel prize they had that display in Norway I am sure you have seen the spiral light in the Norway sky. What is interesting about that light it appeared to be at first coming from the ground radiating up into the sky but with closer examination it is just the opposite it is coming from the sky radiating down. Not just on anything but on the Haarp facility there in Norway. What I have been getting is that on the 10th when the president was giving his speech excepting the Nobel prize they were going to activate Haarp joining them all together to use the mind control on the population of the earth. This was something that couldn't be allowed so one of the ships that was in the skies above the planet sent this large energy beam down to destroy the ability to do that to the population, therefore ending the need for the landing. Once again saving the people of Earth from destruction at the hands of the Illouminati. The ships stayed round until the morning of the 10th to make sure the destruction was complete and when they saw that it was they left, instead of interfering at this time. If they hadn't destroyed it completely then they would have landed and the Illouminati and governments of the world would have been arrested and taken to another 3rd D planet. That is why I was told to alert those of the star seeds as it would have also been their time to awaken. As for you leaving I was told loud and clear that you had much work to do and would be staying on the planet. So for the time being they have all gone back to their home planets or whatever else they were doing until the time is right. This really helped me because my sister from Altone felt she was losing her mind as she was the channel that most of the early information about the landing came through. Well George I think we are back on track and that from this point on we can take hope in the fact that they our friends up there will not allow them to not only not destroy us but the earth as well. Peace Be With You Dear Friend. With Much Love. Sharon.

       2ND EMAIL: Refers to two questions I made through Sharon to Gabriel. Question 1. Are there bad ET's still on earth after the treaty of 1995 that stopped the wars among Et’s? Is it their tech. that was used in the building of the Haarp complexes? Answer: Yes I am sorry to say there are, there is some of the reptilian race that have taken the side of the Illouminati and abandoned their own race. This was done at a price, there is regret that they made the choices they made but it is to late for them to change and return to their homes. They are exiled from their planets. Yes it is Alien technology that was used in the building of Haarp. We keep very close watch on those complexes and will not allow them to do to humans what they want to do. Rest in peace they will not prevail. We will make a complete landing if we need to keep them from hurting either the earth or its people. Question 2.  What is the status of Georges email blast? (Note: refers to the emails I have sent to thousands of people in Greece to persuade them not to do the swine flue vaccine) and is it progressing the way it should be progressing? Answer: Your work is a blessing to all of us watching from the skies. You are right your emails are being spread all over Greece and its neighbouring country (he means Cyprus). You have stopped many people from taking the dreaded jab they understand that it would have done more damage to them then good. You have made us so proud, keep up the good work. You might not have gotten as many doctors as you had wanted but you have touched many many people that aren't. Keep up the good work. You are loved by the most high very much. Your Friend Gabriel of the Galactic Federation. (Note: you can see a part of this email in my page II.1.D9 and the updated text in my Greek page II.2.D9)

       3RD EMAIL: Refers to what Sharon told me on 15.12.09.: Today was a busy day for me so my update is late. Following is what I have been given for the future of the government. First off something is suppose to happen on the 21st I am not sure yet what it is but it has been verified by several sources. Also since last Thursday we have had a dimensional change, not a big one but a small simple one. Several of my friends also feel it, do you feel it there in Greece? The sky looks different or at least it feels different. I have been told that the replacement governments are in place, as I see it as governments above the governments that are in place now waiting for the existing governments to be imprisoned and taken to another third dimensional planet where they will stay until they see it would be much nicer for them if they woke up and see that the fifth dimension is much better. After the old government is taken out the new one will be sat in place which will not require taxes as we have them now nor will the banking system be the same. Everyone will have what they need. Those of us who are walk-ins from other planets will help with the set up of this and help with most other walks of life. I will be helping in agriculture helping people to learn how to use the earth to the best not destroy it. Then as you know closer to 2012 we will then help take the population into the hollow earth. That is when they will go 5th dimensional. The 12th of this month was the start of a 9 day change which I am still trying to understand. If you have anything to add to this please let me know, or if you have different information I would like to hear it. Things are getting very exciting and it feels very real. Your Friend Sharon

       4TH EMAIL: This is a response to the following questions I made to Gabriel: My dear Sharon, have a look at these 2 articles and  ask Gabriel about it: “BIOLOGICAL ATTACK PLANNED IN US IN JANUARY” see details in and WHO TO LIMIT OUR VITAMINS BY LAW UNDER CODEX ALIMENTARIUS” see Question 1): The spray with mutated viruses that I mentioned. how it will be stopped? Answer:  Why do you continue to question our means of dealing with things George our love of mankind is so strong we would use any means at our disposal to prevent their use of these viruses. Unlike the swine flu where it was stopped in its tracks we allowed some to succumb to death but that also was their choice. Please don't spend your valuable time worrying about this as it won't happen. Question 2): Do we have to buy now mineral supplements and vitamins or the Codex Alimentarius will not be applied and how it will be stopped? Answer: Yes, you should get a supply if it suits you. It will be enacted but not enforced before we are here. Most people of the world don't even know that such a law is in place. Question 3): Why the star seeds that came to Earth to help with the ascension are returning home now, and do not stay till the end of their mission? Answer: Because of earth sickness, earth has become toxic to some of the older star seeds and a few of the younger ones. Because of this sickness they are unable to carry out their missions. Also some have lived full lives and completed their missions. It might not appear that way but we don't always have the information they do to know what they have or haven't done while on earth. The earth sickness is something we didn't count on. Because of the love of our people we don't want them here anymore. Question 4): How it is possible to erase all memories of all people that had contact with them and everything that they crated as if they never existed? Answer: What makes you think you could even fully understand if I tried to explain it to you. Your job is to trust that we who are in the 5th D know what we are doing. Just trust!! someday you will be in a position to understand, as you have great things ahead of you.

       5TH EMAIL: This is the response to the following 4 questions I made to Gabriel: 1st question: Who Is responsible for what happened in Haiti? Answer: Most assuredly Illuminati are responsible, I am glad you finally asked me. When in Dec. we destroyed their ability to take over with mind control to destroy one another, although we did a very good job of what we sat out to do they with the help of not so good aliens (reptilians) decided to go one step further and harm mankind in another way before we were aware of it. This earthquake that destroyed that little country wasn't just a random occurrence it was done with the full support of the elitist and dark cabal. It was their way of fighting back against us for what we did to their plans. Turning mother nature on herself is not acceptable to us we won't allow that to happen again. Our patience is wearing thin with these people and they will pay for the human lives and suffering that has occurred. The earth isn't theirs to do with as they please it belongs to God and God won't stand still and let this continue to happen. God is the one that has the time table set in place and it is his will that things happen in there own time, at least until it involves the loss of innocent lives, then the time table will and can be radically changed. The cabal will do whatever  they have to do to bring the population down to what they feel is the right size. With the help of these bad aliens they have been able to come up with more advanced ways of doing this. THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOW! 2nd Question: What was the main cause of the Haiti earthquake? Was an underground nuclear explosion? Why in Haiti? Answer: Again what I told you before still stands, they took us off guard with what they did in Haiti, at first it looked and felt like it was HAARP but like you learned it wasn't it was a group associated with HAARP as they are all of the same darkness. It in fact was an underground nuclear explosion that was set on the fault that happened when they had their last earthquake almost 200 years. It was done in Haiti because it was an isolated very poor country with no usefulness to what the dark has in store. In other words they were expendable. 3rd Question: What country will do the disclosure announcement? Answer: As it stands George is right when he says it will be Poland. Poland wants to see the vale lifted on the cover up and is will to be the one to make the announcement. It is in the works now with the aid of a few other smaller countries, Austria, Hungary, and others to name a few. Stand by as it isn't far from happening. Things are almost in place for this announcement. The other larger countries are aware of us but don't want anything to do with announcing us formally. You would wait a long time if you waited on them. They have things to do and it isn't making an announcement of our existence. Mexico is one of the countries that is willing to make an announcement as well. 4th Question: Dear Sharon, please ask Gabriel whether the tsunami some years ago in the Far East was also caused by the dark forces or not, and if after that there have been also other major similar cases created by the dark forces? Answer: No it was an act of nature. Up until this last year the things of that nature were always done by nature. The typhoon this last summer as well as the plane that fell out of the sky were done by Haarp. So in total there have been three occurrences of man made disasters, there could have been 4 (Gabriel means the Norway incident), but that was stopped.

       6TH EMAIL: This is the response to the following 4 questions I made to Gabriel on 16.Feb.10: Question 1. Is it possible that the very low level of swine flue and of seasonal flue cases now in USA and abroad (in comparison with previous years) can be caused by the ET’s intervention? Answer: Yes George you are so wise, Sara hadn't even noticed until you spoke with her on the phone today. She thanked you for the questions I want to thank you as well as she gets so busy with her life she forgets to look at what is happening in the world. This is going to help her wake up again. We had to stop the flu and the viruses that the government was going to use to kill so many. Nothing that they have tried of late has had the outcome that they wanted to see. They are getting very frustrated that what they think is going to have a bad effect on humanity it doesn't work, they won't ever admit that it was us that did it. We get a lot of pleasure seeing the cabal struggle with so many failures. Now I must say what they did with Haiti got by us and has caused much sorrow, it shouldn't have been allowed to happen but our enemies got past us. It won't happen again. Question 2. Is it true what I saw in a video that a government official has admitted that has been teleported from a base in USA a) to a base in Australia and b) to an ET’s base in Mars?  Answer: There is so much going on on earth right now that you would have to give me more information for me to give you a true answer. Can you give me the name of the person what base or something with more detail. We are working hard to get things set in place for our arrival so little things get past us sometimes. It might not seem little to you, such things as teleportation and all but to us it is but a trivial thing. Question 3. Is it true that free energy can be produced by “cold fusion” transforming the hydrogen to hellion, as I saw in a video? Answer: Of course it is true, what do you think we mean when we say you can have free energy. This isn't new to your planet it has been available for many many years. Your governments didn't want the information to be released to the population as it would cause a fall of your utility companies. LOL that couldn't be allowed as it couldn't be held over the peoples heads. "You will pay your bill or you will freeze to death." That is soon to end, it will become your source of energy very soon. Question 4. Is it true that no announcement by the governments about the existence of ETs will be done during at least the next two months? Answer: Don't put so much energy into thinking your going to hear such a loud voice about us from your governments. Your people are hearing about us very clearly as many are seeing our ships and they loved our movie Avatar. With all of this no loud announcement is going to be needed for people to know we are here. Where did you hear such a thing about the next couple of months. I can't tell you yes nor can I tell you no. Governments don't ever do as we expect them to, they do things their own way because they feel they are in control. Oh how they are going to learn differently. Well George thank you for the questions and continue to ask them. I will never give you what you hear from others, it doesn't make me always right or them wrong we are many souls from many different planets all here for the same reason to help earth ascend to greater heights, we will always say things differently from one another but our meanings are the same. We all love mankind. Your Friend from above You and Earth, Gabriel!! Help my sister to stay focused if you can.

       7TH EMAIL: This is the response to the following 2 questions that Sharon made to Gabriel on 27.Feb.10 about the earthquake in Chilli: Question 1.  Gabriel, are these earthquakes part of the earth changes set for 2012? Answer: They are only going to get worse and you were right when you said I told you they are normal. Normal meaning they are part of the changes. You are also right that they are only going to get worse for a little while then they will settle again for a time. There will be another within a short period of time many souls will be lost but they knew this before they incarnated this time. This is going to make the announcement of our being here much easier, for people to take as they will see us as being guides and helpers through this time of distress. The snows in the east, the earthquakes and heat in other parts of the earth are also signs of change. HAARP at this time is almost useless as we have all disabled it to do the destruction that they wanted to do. Earth is letting its inhabitants know that she is tired of the way she has been treated. We have our plans in place for the time after we arrive, financial, health and other wise. You must start sharing this with people as the subject comes up, you must start using your talents for helping folks see there is hope for the future not more doom and gloom. Trust in yourself more and realize you know much more than you think you do. You had no idea how your life was going to change when you got up this morning but get ready it is about to. We are near, we are always near. More earthquakes are coming. Question 2. Is any going to happen in the USA? Answer: Yes, in the middle of your country, not the next one but soon after. Many souls again will lose their lives but again they knew this before they came this time.

       8TH EMAIL: This is the response to the following 3 questions that I made to Gabriel on 28.Feb.10: Question 1. Are we going to have an earthquake in Greece and more specific in Athens during 2010? And if so are we going to have many people killed? Answer: I have no idea exactly where the earthquakes are going to take place that is up to mother earth. I do know that the likely hood of one happening is EU is great. Will there be many lost souls, as in any major disaster as you on earth call them there will be many people who will pass to the other side. They again knew this before birth. Don't sit and worry about something you have no control over, you already have much work to do. Question 2. Is Greece going to pass successfully the present difficult financial situation? And will be helped by the other EU countries? Or will become bankrupt? In this case should I do something with my bank deposits in order to protect them? Answer: There will be a reasonable amount of success for Greece and her financial situation. Most of the other EU countries are in or near to being in the same situation as Greece. Please realize that when we arrive the financial situation will be a thing of the past. Again spend less time looking at all the things that are going wrong and concentrate on the things that are going right or at least in the right direction. If you think negative thoughts then you will pull negative to you, a good thing to remember in the coming months. Yes you should look into protecting your funds in case the bank you bank at does fall. Do what you need to do there, I have no guidance there for you, you know the best why to handle that. Question 3. Can you give us the approximate time and place of the next two major earthquakes that you mentioned in your previous message to Sharon? Answer: Within the next 2 months, one in America for sure and that will be the second of the 2. I don't have a good feel for where the 1st one will hit. At first I got Peru but again only mother knows for sure.

       9TH EMAIL: This is the response to the following 3 questions that I made to Gabriel on 2.Mar.10  referring to a new meditation I propose at the end of my page II.1.D7 with the title “Meditation For Expediting Procedures For Ascension”: Question 1. Please ask Gabriel if he things that this meditation can help in expediting the first contact, or if it can help in any other way our purpose. Answer: Of course George it is going to help. You put much thought and care into your words. Please understand that anything that helps worldwide consciousness is going to help. Question 2. Is anything that I can do to increase the effect of this meditation, or to help in any other way in expediting the first contact? Answer: You are doing all you can do. Keep up what you are doing. Question 3. Is it something wrong in this meditation which I mast change? Answer: There is nothing that needs to be added or deleted. Be proud of what you did. I hope these helps George, you make us proud off you because of all your work. Things are coming to a head faster then you realize.


       MESSAGE OF 26.Jan.10: We return with more to say about your world and your journey to full consciousness. At this moment we are fully engaged with our Earth allies in completing those paths which are to bring in a new reality. The current difficulties involve a final, signed dismissal order for two major governments and agreeing on who is to oversee these dismissals. These matters are being negotiated by our liaisons. Deliveries are to be carried out once these few remaining hurdles are properly resolved. In addition, we are working with other governments and our Earth allies to put the finishing touches on the global debt forgiveness program. The intent here is to create a clean financial slate in order to enable the immediate institution of the new financial system. This means that a whole load of national currencies needs to be collected and reissued by the respective nation's treasury. The complex specifics of each step are being accounted for and are awaiting the activation factor-the global deliveries of your many prosperity programs.

      As we work diligently toward creating a more peaceful and cooperative setting for your world, Mother Earth continues to prepare for the massive changes that are needed to become a functioning, fully conscious planet. Many of her tectonic plates need to be locked into place and a significant amount of seabed needs to rise. These are the causes of major quakes in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans, and over the past decade these natural disturbances have raised the seabed in the areas around the sunken continents now at the bottom of these oceans. This process is to be accelerated, prompting us to advise each affected government of the dangers of further delaying the many regime changes that are so urgently needed for the peoples of your world. Your deteriorating environment has both natural and man-made causes that are placing you in a considerable predicament. Most of the multinational corporations and international financial institutions are behind these misbegotten delays.

      The present dire global conditions are in fact what these corporations want. Acting through them, your dark cabal is determined to strengthen its power, its wealth, and most of all, its influence over your world's governments. It can finance and carry out dark projects which threaten your planet and her people. These projects are responsible for fleets of exotic space craft and advanced space and ground weaponry, and the secrecy surrounding them reinforces the need to cover up our existence and the consciousness transformation that you are going through. A special branch of this cabal is dedicated to shooing us away by making it ever more difficult to carry out any form of first contact with you. The dark is jealous of its power over you and wants no one to free you from your shackles. The avarice and arrogance of this cabal is demonstrated by the cavalier way it treats the current world economic blow-up. You are sitting in the eye of a huge economic storm that is strengthening by the day, and soon the next series of crises are to hit you full on when your world moves back into this horrific maelstrom.

      Your leading economists and futurists comprehend that a significant amount of change in the world system is desperately needed. Even if what is secretly being prepared were not yet in place, something similar to the Earth allies' plans would be required. The value of the planned changes lies not just in their timing; they have another reason for being: This reality is changing in consciousness. The ancient peoples of your world who studied the skies and were occasionally advised by errant Anunnaki, such as Tahuti (Egyptian god of time) or in his Greek form, knew that a time of great change was approaching, in which the repositioning of the galactic core would coincide with the time when the present full processional cycle of nearly 26,000 years was completed. This cycle began when the mother continent of Lemuria sank beneath the waves, and the imminent completion of this cycle implies that Lemuria and other lost continents are to reappear.

      The rise of several landmasses in your oceans indicates that your planet's journey through the realms of darkness is to end. Put another way: The time of limited consciousness is to be transformed into a time of full consciousness. Everywhere on your planet this accelerating move toward change can be observed: The living atmosphere, the sacred lands, and the ever-changing seas are transforming; the greatest extinction since the Permian one some 250 million years ago is well underway; the atmosphere is morphing; the various "temperature conveyer belts" in your oceans are shifting. All this change makes your world extremely fragile. Also, Mother Earth is enormously affected by your ongoing material, and especially electronic, pollution. It is essential that you view your technology as in need of a giant fix-one that provides a new source of electricity and even a different type of electricity.

       MESSAGE OF 9.Feb.10: This increasing constriction of the dark's dominion means that the allies can implement some key agreements that have been signed with several nations, enabling them to move a large amount of gold into place to back up the new hard currency system. Concurrently, a number of banking reforms have been executed in many nations, which can prevent the casino-trading and money-laundering that plagues the current banking regulations and that almost brought down the world economy some months back. As these new banking accords come on line, the pressure upon the USA Corporation to relinquish its stranglehold builds relentlessly. The Federal Reserve System is the crux of the matter. The Fed Main Bank needs to be collapsed in order to allow the execution of those critical reforms whose first task is to dismantle what remains of this entity. This sets the stage for global debt forgiveness which is essential to the successful launching of the new system, as presently there is enough fraud-based debt to rapidly sink any new financial system!

      This is why universal debt forgiveness needs to be announced swiftly. As the new banking system kicks in, the vast illegal debt of the old system must be cancelled. This requisite is pivotal. You are embarking on a process that is to lead, quite shortly, to worldwide prosperity. You also need to transform the roadblocks that have kept you in a "global sack" and easily manipulated by the dark cabal. This house-cleaning will usher in your freedom and the new technologies which are to make possible things that now seem magical, like houses and skyscrapers erected from scratch in just 72 hours, and an aerial magnetic lifter that moves people and materials from one side of the globe to the other in less than an hour. There are to be small on-site generators that work without the need of a national grid. This technology is multidimensional in nature and is a product of spiritual science, which is consciousness-based. It is to quite transform your scientific paradigm. This world of adventure awaits the removal of the old order, which is hanging by a thread.

      All this is getting close. Your world sits in the eye of a giant financial storm system that can push your society back into a state of economic turmoil worse than the one you thought you were digging yourselves out of in the past months. The dark knows this and wants to go out with a horrendous roar. Our Earth allies are working against the clock to make sure that this potential "sword of Damocles" does not fall upon us. Their strategy is to starve this dark-based system into submission by preventing the cabal from having access to the numerous assets by which it renews and expands its vast empire of bogus wealth. This operation is succeeding, forcing the cabalists to constantly reassess their survival strategy. At the core of this dark empire lies the Federal Reserve, with its fraudulent system of wealth accumulation and distribution. The collapse of this entity is the priority and will open the floodgates of change.

      This war of attrition against the Fed and the old financial system is up against time. Many financial debts in the old system are reaching a point of critical mass, generating concerns about how quickly the dismantling of the old can be done. Our Earth allies are nearly at the stage where the old monetary system can be imploded. Plans are in place to set up the new system swiftly and replace the global fiat currencies with new regional systems. These six regions form the backbone of what the global abundance programs are to create. A rapid deflation is the first task of the new system. Like water finding its own level, the hard currencies must seek their natural intrinsic value. This value can be anywhere from 10 - 33% of the present costs of food, clothing, and housing. The authentic value of precious metals, based on a return to pre-manipulated supply and demand, will spontaneously find its true worth.

      Most things in your world are vastly overpriced. Moreover, as prosperity sets in and new technologies begin to have an impact, prime components of your global economy will morph out of all recognition. Your society can then begin to move beyond the need for money, becoming an exploratory precursor to a galactic society. Your current economic model is predicated on scarcity and perpetuated by a level of technology purposefully unequal to solving this prime defect. Devices that can remedy these built-in shortfalls are ready to be introduced by your interim governments, and also soon by us. Even your basic reliance on farming can be easily solved: a matter-processor can instantly create highly nutritious meals on command! This technology provides clothing, shelter, and related accoutrements, also instantaneously. As you can imagine, the very nature of your global society is hereby transformed at a stroke!

      A prime intent of your rise in consciousness is to remove you from dependence on your environment, which is manifestly having such a deleterious effect on the overall health of Mother Earth's ecology. With the means provided by a spirit-based science to progress beyond burdening your planet's ecology, you can begin to step into the role of steward and spiritual caretaker of Mother Earth and her diverse life systems. You stand on the brink of an epic transformation that equips you with abilities beyond those that even your most ambitious futurists can come up with! You are to be released from the subservient roles you were saddled with 13 millennia ago and returned to your true positions as physical Angels-co-creators of physicality. In this role you are to become the great Lights of your new star-nation!

       MESSAGE OF 2.Feb.10: We return with much to discuss with you. Right now the final touches are being put on a proposal for a United States regime change. A range of economic forces are creating an opportunity for the current administration to resign gracefully, thus allowing the caretaker government to assume power. The incentive behind this is the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet and, with it, the dark cabal. Adding to this predicament are the opposition within the military and the rising desertions of major factions within the American contingent of the cabal. As the number of nations protesting their bankrupt condition increases, the cabal's powerbase weakens proportionally, throwing its central councils into a state of consternation. It is now hectically engaged in shoring up what remains of its dominion and bracing for what is to come. Many in the cabal's higher councils are beginning to see their downfall looming. So the time comes for them to accept the inevitable and prepare for the consequences of their defeat.

      Meanwhile, our Earth allies are also putting the finishing touches on a series of economic and social programs which are to bring long-awaited financial prosperity, sovereignty, and good health to the peoples of Mother Earth. A financial system based on "hard" currency, real transparency, and debt forgiveness is ready to be announced by the nations of your globe. These new ways of doing things are the merest beginnings of a vast realignment of your planet's wealth and power. However, personal sovereignty means that a great deal of responsibility is to be given to you, and this requires a comprehensive education program to explain the ins and outs of what is expected of you. Further, many long-sequestered technologies are to be unveiled by the new governments, which include radically different ways to educate you swiftly on a wide range of vital issues that you will be asked to decide upon. The means by which to interact meaningfully with your local and national governments is to be returned to you.

      This fundamental realignment of wealth is a prelude to first contact. As you begin to solve many of the essential problems that have long plagued your world, you will find yourselves viewing your global society and Mother Earth in new and enlightened ways. The issues of man-made pollution and climate change can be addressed constructively. Information on the pivotal role of the Sun and the changes happening in your solar system can be thrown open to public scrutiny, generating open, global debate. In consonance with this, and a natural component of these many formal disclosures, is the UFO cover-up. We much prefer to make contact with a society that has full access to the facts about the growing consciousness shift and is actively and creatively engaged with its problems. Your society is rupturing under its burden of chaos and desperate for some form of drastic change! Everywhere, humans are facing their consciousness shift head on, and our medical teams report that many of you are searching for answers to many basic questions.

       MESSAGE OF 12.Jan.10: We watch closely and prepare for first contact. The drama below us is reaching resolution, and several international legal agencies are set to arrest and take down these illegal, dark entities. The cabal comprehends what is happening and is responding predictably by amping up multiple fears and the threat of terrorism. Creating wars has been one of its most effective weapons through the ages, but now this tactic is manifestly failing as nations across the planet tire of these increasingly transparent shenanigans. Many world leaders publicly express their disapproval and secretly tell their colleagues to "get on" with what needs to be done to bring the dark-supported regimes down. We have reports from our liaisons which detail the growing disgust over the delays slowing this process down. These issues are politically the talk of the town among many nations and our Earth allies. Many strategies are being discussed and implemented even as we discuss this with you.

      Recognition by many of great influence on your world of the need for fundamental and urgent change is now a prime factor in this endgame. Your global society is reaching a point where a second economic collapse is due, and this one is likely to be much worse than the first. Yet the depth of reform required to mitigate this coming disaster has not been acknowledged much less addressed by the dark cabal and its governmental allies in some major western nations. This dereliction has spawned an underground working group in this region, and it is using its resources to align with other regional groups and nations to reverse what lies ahead. Legal arms of these groups meet secretly to plan a way to declaw those dark elements forming the major obstacles to change. The resultant prosperity of the Earth allies' reforms can swiftly appease the wary and ambivalent proponents of the remaining cheeky regimes.

       MESSAGE OF 16.Feb.10: We return with more to discuss with you. At present, several important events are being readied to manifest. First, is the matter of your new gold-based banking system. This fairer and more transparent financial system is already being secretly implemented in a number of nations. These test runs are proving to be quite successful and this opens the door for its general acceptance by your world. The series of messages is being delayed by the actions of the failing US Federal Reserve Bank, which is still able to do hatchet jobs on any financial "upstart" attempts. This institution is aided in these attacks by several closely aligned Central Banks. However, these activities are soon to cease as the Fed sinks deeper into bankruptcy. The huge amount of gold to back the new currencies and the easier-to-implement international banking rules are catalyzing a global landslide of support for the changes. Second, is the global debt-forgiveness program. Nearly 200 nations signed on to this worldwide project. The objective is to start off the new system with a tabula rasa since most debt was incurred fraudulently.

      In conjunction with this is the continuing work to collapse a number of major governments that have become part of a global corporate state run by the dark cabal. These instruments of power are also approaching bankruptcy. When these regimes were put in place, a dissolution clause was incorporated in their "secret compacts," which allows for these crippled states to be replaced by temporary caretaker administrations. A series of court-approved documents sanctions our Earth allies to appoint the successors. These legal instruments set up the framework for the lawful removal of several governments, including that of the US. In consonance with this, certain immoral and illegal international activities of these dark regimes can also lead to their removal, and in the same vein, lawful constitutional restoration is stipulated in the US Constitution. America is the chosen child of Ascended Masters like Saint Germaine and Hilarion. She plays a central role in the unfolding of the transitional world that is to welcome our first contact mission, and it is thus essential that America return to her original course.

      This brings us to global prosperity. Around three centuries ago Saint Germaine perceived that a huge fund would become necessary to bring the world out of want. He therefore manoeuvred the ruling heads of Europe to establish his World Trust, which was divided into three parts: the first permitted these rulers to set up secret national trusts under the banner of Saint Germaine; the second was a non-disclosure trust that was to accumulate and then mature at the start of the 21st century. Its selected benefactors were to be "Light Workers," and this trust was to be open for payment during two cycles each year, after Easter and Christmas. While it was maturing, these cycles would add to the Trust. The third was to fund the Saint Germaine Foundation, which was to oversee the Trust and ensure that stipulated payments were carried out according to the secret original documents. As you know, the dark cabal is blocking these payments. It fears the consequences of vast sums being disbursed according to Saint Germaine's plans.

     Our Earth allies are working with great diligence to ensure that these funds get distributed to the proper recipients. A long struggle underway since the end of WW II is coming to an end. The exceptional greed and astonishing stubbornness of the dark ones has delayed this program from the start, and in the last four decades their level of hubris reached dictatorial proportions, greatly increasing their chances of success. However, you now have a global monetary system that has imploded and which, like the Titanic, is sinking into the inky depths of total collapse. On the bright side, this development opens up an opportunity to dislodge those who so wilfully stand in the way of your world's much needed prosperity. The coming regime changes are allowing our Earth allies to push deliveries forward, coupled with the release of the sequestered technologies. These subjects will be part of the announcements that the caretaker governments are to broadcast formally once they assume power.

       MESSAGE OF 23.Feb.10: We are back with more things to share with you! At this moment, a great deal of activity is happening around your world. The final touches are being made to the way a number of governments are to change. In addition, the announcements that herald the new gold-based currency system are also being finalized. These activities indicate to us that the grand transformation of your global society is ready to manifest. We have watched these actions over the past few years move steadily forward, and now that the preliminaries are concluded, the changes long needed by your many societies are about to happen. We are presently securing the logistics which allow the new governments to present you with the formal release of a parade of long-suppressed technologies, ranging from ways to clean up your environment to maglev planes that can move passengers and materials swiftly to any point on the planet in under an hour. These devices terminate the age of oil and fossil fuels, and yet they constitute only a beginning of what is to come!

      You are entering an age of full consciousness. In this reality the things that you consider "normal" for the most part fade away. You enter a realm of great knowledge and wisdom, and in this environment you become a Being able to manifest what you truly need when you need it. Here, the way you experience your existence can be considered dreamlike and is lived with gusto and glee! When this next period of your 3-D reality manifests, you are to be in transition mode. All of you will know decisively that we exist and that you are on a course to becoming fully conscious. This means that you are in training to better comprehend what this implies. It is then that we can intervene fully and explain a great many subjects that you are not yet aware of. This body of wisdom is a prerequisite for completing this transition. Heaven and we eagerly await the time when these teachings can be given. It is these intriguing new technologies and mind-broadening knowledge that is to grant you an understanding of what lies ahead. However, a full grasp of your future won't take place until you are fully conscious.

       We monitor all these developments and gage how they relate to first contact. The more we study your world, the more we become aware of just how close you came to a series of natural and manmade calamities that would have doomed your beautiful and special world. Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy. To lose her surface world's vitality is something we do not wish to contemplate! Heaven is well aware of what the dark was so villainously planning. The dark minions of your world were close to success when their masters, the Anunnaki, suddenly bolted to the Light. Over the past decade the dark regrouped and readied its last stand, in vain!

      During the course of this message, we had you look at first contact from different angles. First, it is a divine task to mentor you through your conversion to full consciousness. Heaven requested this first contact, watching and carefully guiding us to where we are today. Heaven also knows that Mother Earth is in dire need of renewal. She needs to be reintegrated with the 5-D realm that sits beneath you. This world of Inner Earth is presently disconnected from your surface realm, causing a disease that needs to be cured as soon as possible. This is another reason for your return to full consciousness and the reunion with your space and heavenly families. Let us be clear that this is not a rescue mission! Mother Earth and you must be reconnected to Source and to the magnificent reality from whence you came some 13 millennia ago!






Bn128   Rose petals curtain

Η κουρτίνα από πέταλα ρόδων

C1n06  A cut in the brain of an extraterrestrial

Τομή στον εγκέφαλο ενός εξωγήινου

Bn182   A colony of crystal corals

Αποικία κρυστάλλινων κοραλλιών




C2n49 The sleeping beauty of our explosive desires

          Η ωραία κοιμωμένη των εκρηκτικών μας πόθων

C2n230  Orange blue and green reflections

Πορτοκαλί, μπλε και πράσινοι αντικατοπτρισμοί

Bg1089 Petrifications with precious metals

Πετρώματα με πολύτιμα μέταλα




Bg520a View from the cave by the sea

Θέα από την σπηλιά στην παραλία

C2g879  Seashore under the moonlight

        Παραλία υπό το σεληνόφως

Bg1043 A rocky coast by the ocean

Μια βραχώδης ακτή παρά τον ωκεανό




Bd99  The tree with the ghosts in the haunded park

Το δένδρο με τα φαντάσματα στο στοιχειωμένο πάρκο

Bd101 The souls of the plants and flowers

ΟΙ ψυχές των φυτών και λουλουδιών

Bd97 A road with hounded trees

Ο δρόμος με τα στοιχειωμένα δένδρα




Cd208 Yellow coast and sky in the 4th and 5th dimension

Κίτρινη ακτή και ουρανός στην 4η και 5η διάσταση

Bg862 A calm blue coast under the blue sky

Μια ήρεμη μπλε ακτή κάτω από τον γαλάζιο ουρανό

Cd77 Living erect cliffs in the 4th and 5th dimensions

Ζωντανοί όρθιοι βράχοι στην 4η και 5η διάσταση




Bg775 Roaring waves over the brown cliffs

Βρυχώμενα κύματα πάνω από τους βράχους

Cd598 A beautiful view in the 4th and 5th dimensions

Μια όμορφη θέα στην 4η και 5η διάσταση

Bg961 A steep inhospitable coast with living rocks

Μια απότομη αφιλόξενη ακτή με ζωντανούς βράχους





An04 Cells against viruses in our blood

Κύτταρα εναντίον ιών στο αίμα μας

An05  Our alter ego watching us

Το άλλο εγώ που μας παρακολουθεί

C1n19  Trees in the yellow sky

Δένδρα στον κίτρινο ουρανό

An21  Anatomy of feelings

Ανατομία των συναισθημάτων